The next cheetah we saw was at Munda Wanga. "Munda Wanga" means "my garden" and it is a wildlife park, sort of a zoo. It is in Chilanga about 1/2 an hour drive from our house. The picture above is from that park. Mommy took it. There are two cheetahs (we think) but there might be just one. The names are Zig and Zag because they run zig-zag to confuse their prey; they use their tails to steer zigging and zagging.
On Friday last week we went to Kafue National Park, named after the Kafue River. We went to a place called Lufupa, named after the Lufupa River. When we got there it was night time. When we were driving to the campsite in the bush we saw a cheetah! It was very close to our car - is was just standing there then it was walking away from us on the road then it just turned left and disappeared into the darkness. Then we saw SIX lion cubs! That was the first time I have seen a cheetah in the wild! I was VERY happy when I saw it because it's my favorite animal.