Friday, January 1, 2010

Safari Hunt

Happy New Year!

It has been a looooonnnnnnggggg time since I wrote on my blog. I made a deal with Mommy that I would write something new every week as part of my literacy and ITC homework.

My present to everyone for the New Year is a card game that I made mostly by myself called "Safari Hunt." See if you can download the nine page PDF using one of these two links:

Do you want to know about this game? I just kept asking my mom to make a present on the computer and finally mom let me and that's the idea I had. I was just thinking of the game and how it would be. I had to find all the pictures using Safari/Google Images and I had to learn how to make the card shapes and fit the photos on the card shapes in "Pages" (the Mac version of Word). Also I had to learn a lot about the animals. Then, I made up the rules -- it's a little bit like "War"-- and I did the typing myself, even after I smashed my finger in the door. OUCH!

*We uploaded the lower-res PDF using "Scribd." This is a bit of an experiment, so please let us know if it will print OK, if the resolution is fine, etc. It was originally a massively large file....20MB. I think our next ITC lesson will be how to manage jpeg file sizes and managing documents. It turns out that trying to convert something back to a manageable size after-the-fact is a total headache.

1 comment:

Kathi of Clan Church said...

That's so great that you've made it so others can download your game - thank you Owen! It looks really fun to play. I hope I get a "saver" or "hunter" card in my pile!