Sunday, June 21, 2009

Guest Blogger II

Finn, cracking himself up

Once upon a time there was a boy named Owen and he was made out of  cars and some letters and some bees and some computers.  His head was made out of cheetahs some cushions, some bednets, some horns, some brains and some walls.

When he walked down to stores he bumped into a pig pen.  He was crying and crying and he couldn’t find his mommy. So he went back home and then he still couldn’t find his mommy.  So he went out again for a walk. He was looking for the River Ocean-Floor-Ocean-Floor. (There were two names, that is the number two name.  The first name is Ocean-Ocean-Ocean-Floor River.)

At the walk he made a horn and he made a bednet and the bednet said “I can help you find this river.” He found the river by walking through the forest, drove his car, walked again and found a street.  He went across the street and came to the river. 

He wanted to cross the river but he needed a shark to cross the river. 

The shark just swam up to the side of the river where Owen was, and said

“Jump in my mouth and I will lead you there; no one will find you in the deep forest!”

Owen jumped in his mouth and they swam across the river.  He jumped out of the shark’s mouth and walked through the forest to find another cheetah to go onto his head.

The shark said “woo-hoo you lost the winners.” and the shark gave him a clap! 

Owen went back home and his mom was at Seattle and he came back home to her.


Teresa said...

Interesting story, Finny. Do you know the bible story about Jonah in the belly of the whale?

Kathi of Clan Church said...

Finny, what an awesome story! I can't believe how many things O's head is made of!

"...the bednet said “I can help you find this river.” I KNEW bednets did more than just help prevent malaria.

"...and his mom was at Seattle and he came back home to her." Good job, Finny Peter Finch Jennings. Way to drive it home. SEATTLE is home. Seeee aaaa tle, seeeee aaaaa tle. Tell your mommy and daddy to not forget that.