Sunday, October 9, 2011

finny's birthday

Hi everybody, I just want to say something small. Yesterday it was my brother's birthday. This drawing I drew on Adobe Illustrator for my brother. This was not his favorite present. The remote control
car he got from Roan was his favorite present.

bye bye.

1 comment:

nana said...


I love the picture! I hate to admit it, but I do not know how to
us the Adobe Illustrator! I don't
even know where or how to find it on my Laptop! And you want to know something? Finny will be able to look at that picture many years from now, after the car is long gone, and the picture will still be
here and Finn will remember how his
Big Brother drew it just for him!
The bigest gift may not be the one
he can play with right now, but the one that is still here years
from now. I still wear the earrings
that your mum and Aunt Mary gave me
almost 20 years ago, and they are
very tiny! The best part is that they were picked out and given to
me with love.