Monday, April 14, 2008

Looking at Bats

We are starting to study bats because there is a fruit tree at the guesthouse and bats come to eat the fruit! We eventually started to study about bats because we have seen bats. Daddy started talking about bats and then we looked !

We went in the dark after dinner and looked at the tree and saw maybe 30 bats. The bats were flying around and some little peaches fell - we said "Oooppsss!" And then we laughed! They were all over the place! A lot of them fell around where we were standing. Almost one fell on me - close to me! But like maybe two centimeters away - I mean two meters - no, I mean two yards! The other ones that fell were far away - three meters away.

At first Finny was scared -he said "TOO SCAWEY, MOMMY!" Then he went out with mom and he wasn't scared.

Bats eat mosquitoes!

We looked up that there are many different bats in Zambia. This is a list of Zambia Bats: egyptian fruit bats, epauletted fruit bats, false vampire bats, leaf-nosed bats, mastiff bats, simple-nosed bats, slit-faced bats, straw-coloured bats, tomb bats and horseshoe bats.

We cannon see what kind of bats are in our yard. I tried to take a picture but it didn't come out.


Kathi of Clan Church said...

Very exciting! Although I have to admit I've never been crazy about bats. I'm sure they're wonderful creatures but - yikes - some of them remind me of flying raisins because of their wrinkled-up faces. Maybe they would think that we humans have funny looking faces too?

Once several years ago I was staying at my grandma's cabin in eastern Washington and heard a very high-pitched squeal just before bed time. It turned out that just outside my second floor room, up tucked in the eaves of the roof, was a cluster of little bats hanging upside down!

Have you found out yet what kind of bats you saw?

Teresa said...

Just like Kathi, I am not too fond of bats. During the daytime they used to hang behind the shutters of my grandparents cabin in northern WI. Sometimes the babies would drop to the ground on accident. My younger sister nearly touched one of these baby bats because she was curious about it. The grown ups all shrieked "Don't touch!" and to this day I think that is why I do not like bats.